From High School Sweethearts to Lifetime Partners
The Valentine’s Day Stories of Canutillo's Enduring Love
Posted on 02/14/2024
This is the image for the news article titled The Valentine’s Day Stories of Canutillo's Enduring LoveFrom places of learning to pathways of passion — love always seems to find its roots in the campuses of Canutillo ISD. Over the years, the hallways in El Paso’s ONLY Triple A Rated School District have witnessed timeless tales of romance that have led to enduring marriages, cherished relationships and flourishing families.

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, Canutillo ISD spoke to three couples who trace their romantic roots to our schools. They shared their stories and spoke about the impact CISD had in establishing their love. Read on to hear the Canutillo Love Stories of Ricardo & Carmen Castañeda, Jorge & Maleny Marquez and Juan & Vanessa Cervantes — the high-school sweethearts whose love stories continue to inspire and endure.

Ricardo and Carmen Castañeda

Back in 1971, the unlikely love story between Ricardo Castañeda and Carmen Castillo began to unfold in the hallways of the original Canutillo High School at 5th Street and Central Avenue. The Castañeda’s love transcended initial misconceptions to blossom into a lifelong bond that defied first impressions.

Fifty-one years ago, amidst the hustle and bustle of high school life, the two sophomores' paths crossed for the first time when Ricardo moved back to Canutillo from California. Both strong-willed and determined, they each carried preconceived notions about the other. At first glance, they clashed — their personalities seemingly incompatible.

“I didn't like him. He gave the impression that he was all bad,” Carmen recalled with a laugh. “My friends and I assumed he didn't speak Spanish. We were always talking about him in Spanish. Imagine my surprise when one day he started talking to us in Spanish telling us we were right … he was bad.”

Ricardo shared the same apprehension about Carmen at first. “When I first saw her, I thought she and her friend were stuck up. They were always talking in Spanish in front of me. I thought she was too high class,” Ricardo said.

Their initial encounters were marked by playful banter and occasional clashes, as they navigated the complexities of high school. Yet, beneath the surface, a spark flickered, an unspoken connection that neither could deny. Despite their reservations, they found themselves drawn to each other, each curious and intrigued by the self proclaimed bad boy and the reserved homecoming princess.

As time passed, their animosity softened into a begrudging respect and then, unexpectedly, into admiration. Shared moments of laughter, shared challenges and shared dreams brought them closer together, melting away the barriers that once stood between them. Through late-night study sessions, football games and school dances, their bond deepened, transcending the confines of high school.

The pair married on January 29, 1973. They lived with Carmen’s mother until they graduated from Canutillo High School in 1974 - the last graduating class from the original Canutillo High School.

After graduation, they embarked on a journey together, navigating the ups and downs of life hand in hand. Through career milestones, the joys of parenthood, heartbreak and unexpected challenges, their love remained unwavering, a beacon of hope and strength for all who knew them.

Ricardo enlisted in the U.S. Army which took the young newlyweds to Germany. In 1977, their first born son, Ricardo, Jr. was born with liver failure. Being far away from family, the pair relied on each other for support. Ricardo Jr. passed away in 1982.

Over half a century later, the couple has three children, Elizabeth, Cindy and Sammy, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. All their children are proud graduates of Canutillo High School and their grandson, Christopher, became the third generation to graduate from Canutillo High School in 2022. Ricardo retired in 1994 from the Army after serving 20 years and in 2022 from Ft. Bliss after working 25 years for a contractor. Carmen retired from Canutillo ISD after 21 years of service.

This Valentine’s Day, as they celebrate 51 years of marriage, Ricardo and Carmen Castaneda stand as a testament to the power of love, proving that sometimes, the most beautiful relationships are born from the unlikeliest of beginnings. In the halls of Canutillo High School, their love story continues to inspire generations, a timeless reminder that true love knows no bounds.

“If Ricardo had not moved back to Canutillo, we would not be here telling this story," Carmen said. “I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason. I told my kids that dad had to move back because he was going to meet ‘awesome’ me.”

Jorge & Maleny Marquez

Meet Jorge and Maleny Marquez, alumni of Canutillo High School, whose love story began as teenagers navigating the halls of their alma mater. What started as playful flirting on the Myspace social media platform during their junior year, led to a short but sweet teenage romance bonded by the shared classes, busy hallways, lunch dates and friends at CHS.

"Canutillo High School played an indispensable role in shaping our romance. It wasn’t just a place of learning for us, it will forever be where our journey as a couple began,” Jorge fondly recalled.

Their journey from high school sweethearts to soulmates faced its share of challenges, yet their unwavering commitment to each other saw them through time and time again.

By the end of their senior year, Jorge and Maleny went their separate ways. They went on to date other people and saw each other graduate from afar. The two would attend El Paso Community College where after several chance encounters and stolen glances, the flame reignited and they decided to rekindle their romance.

The couple moved in together in 2012 more in love than ever without knowing how powerful their love had to be to weather the storm that was about to rummage their relationship. By 2017 their relationship hung by a thread and they found themselves on the verge of separating but Jorge said God had other plans for them.

They spent the next few years working on strengthening their relationship and healing from the hurt they caused each other over the years. They were even invited to share their story on the podcast, "SOS Matrimonio En Crisis” to help mend their relationship. They were trying everything they had to keep holding on to one another.

When they thought that things couldn’t get any worse, the couple was then faced with their greatest challenge yet in December 2021. Maleny had to fight for her life while in a coma due to COVID-19 complications. During that time of tribulation, the pair realized that they didn’t want to spend the rest of their lives apart and recommitted to one another.

After a decade together, in April of 2022 Jorge got down on one knee and asked Maleny Flores to marry him. She said yes and they vowed to stay together for as long as they both shall live. No matter how difficult things got or how bleak the future looked, they always held tight to the feeling they felt as young teenagers in love holding hands through the halls of Canutillo High School.

“Thinking back on it now, we would have never met had it not been for Canutillo High School and we wouldn't be where we are today,” Jorge said with a smile. “The memories we created together during those early years are cherished reminders of how our love story started.”

Juan & Vanessa Cervantes

It was within the ranks of the NJROTC program that Canutillo High School alumni Juan Cervantes and Vanessa Gaytan’s hearts found harmony, amidst the cadence of footsteps and flutter of flags.

Little did Vanessa know that a moment of embarrassment during after school practice for the drill team would become the introduction of an enduring love story. After not quite getting the hang of the task at hand, she was pulled to the side to get more practice. That was when Juan showed up to help and Vanessa knew right away that he was going to leave a lasting impression.

Their connection was instantaneous, sparked by a shared passion for service and a mutual understanding that went beyond words. As they navigated their high school journey together, their friendship blossomed into a love that would endure the tests of time.

“Most people expect the ‘it was love at first sight’ response but really it was one of those feelings when you meet someone and you just know they're going to be an important part of your life,” Vanessa recalls. “ Our relationship didn't start as ‘I like you, let's go out,’ it was built on friendship first and at some point the closer we got was what started to really stem feelings until they grew into more and eventually love.”

For Vanessa and Juan, Canutillo High School wasn't just a place of education, it was the backdrop of their fondest memories. From color guards to drill competitions, every moment spent together deepened their bond.

Ten years have passed since they first professed their love, yet the flame that ignited their hearts still burns brightly. Now, as parents to their own little cadets enrolled in CISD elementary schools, Vanessa and Juan have found a new purpose in giving back to the community that shaped their love story.

As dedicated parent volunteers in the District, they stand side by side, supporting the next generation of students as they navigate the same hallways where their own romance blossomed. Their commitment to service extends beyond their family, echoing the values instilled in them during their time at Canutillo High School.

On this Valentine's Day, Vanessa and Juan Cervantes’ story speaks to the enduring power of love. Anchored in the memories of their youth and the shared dreams of their future, they serve as beacons of hope for generations to come, forever intertwined in the rich tapestry of Canutillo's legacy of love.

“A decade is a significant portion of our life and we've spent that time together,” Vanessa said. “Like any relationship there have been plenty of difficult moments but the great ones always outweigh them and at the end of the day we have chosen each other. Nowadays it is a bit rare that others from our generation stay with their high school sweethearts and grow through life together, so this year celebrating our ten year anniversary together is a milestone and we look forward to many more to come.”