Voice your Opinion

Superintendent Galaviz Dear Canutillo Community,

As we embark on a crucial week, I want to keep you informed about the significant developments that will shape the future of our district. Our collective efforts and engagement are pivotal to overcoming challenges, and I appreciate your commitment to the Canutillo Independent School District.

First and foremost, I extend my gratitude to the Canutillo Facilities Assessment Task Force, whose dedication to evaluating our school buildings and addressing enrollment issues has been unwavering. On Wednesday, this group will convene to refine their recommendations for the Board of Trustees. The impact of these deliberations extends beyond the walls of our classrooms, directly influencing our budgetary considerations.

The state of our school buildings and the decline in enrollment present ongoing challenges that reverberate in our financial landscape. I commend the Task Force for their diligent work in analyzing these issues, and I encourage each member of our community to become more informed about their findings. Your involvement is crucial, and I urge you to participate actively in this process.

It is noteworthy that a survey has been mailed to your homes, seeking your valuable input. Your perspectives and insights are instrumental in shaping the decisions that lie ahead. I encourage you to take a moment to complete the survey, ensuring that your voice is heard in the discussions that will mold the future of Canutillo ISD.

Additionally, Thursday marks a pivotal moment in our journey – a budget workshop that will provide an update on the funding realities we face in the upcoming year. This workshop will shed light on the decisions we must make to balance our budget effectively. The financial landscape is ever-evolving, and your understanding of these realities is crucial as we navigate these challenges together.

To our dedicated Board of Trustees, I extend my appreciation for your commitment to steering Canutillo ISD through these challenging times. Your leadership is invaluable, and I am confident that together, we can make informed decisions that prioritize the well-being and academic success of our students.

As we approach these critical milestones, I extend an invitation to the entire community to actively participate in these proceedings. Your presence and engagement amplify the collective strength of Canutillo ISD. Attend these meetings, stay informed, and share your insights – together, we can chart a course that ensures a bright and sustainable future for our district.

In closing, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support. It is your commitment and involvement that make Canutillo ISD a resilient and thriving community. Let us face the challenges of the week ahead with unity and determination, confident that our shared efforts will pave the way for a prosperous future.

Pedro Galaviz
Superintendent of Schools