Deck the Halls
Reyes Elementary School students invited to decorate ornament for the Texas House Chamber Christmas Tree
Posted on 11/16/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Reyes Elementary School students invited to decorate ornament for the Texas House Chamber Christmas TreeO Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches! This year, the holiday tree’s branches decking the halls of the Texas House Chamber will be even lovelier thanks to the creativity of students at Congressman Silvestre and Carolina Reyes Elementary school.

Each year, Texas House of Representatives members are invited to select a constituent/organization to decorate a Christmas ornament which will decorate a majestic, Texas-grown Christmas tree that will stand in the House Chamber of the Texas Capitol during the holiday season.

Also, this ornament will be included in the House of Chamber photo album and on the House website. Reyes Elementary was selected and a group of Red Hawks proudly decorated an ornament to adorn the fabulous fir.

“We feel privileged to have been selected by the Texas House of Representatives to decorate this year’s Christmas tree ornament,” Reyes Principal Dr. Jessica Melendez-Carrillo said. Our students took great pride in creating the ornament and each brought their own unique style to the piece to create a beautiful final product that will look amazing on the House Chamber tree. We hope everyone visiting the state capitol this holiday season gets a chance to enjoy it.”

The long-standing tradition began to showcase each House member and the uniqueness of their districts to highlight the rich diversity of the state. In previous years, members have called on students, local artists or family members to personalize their ornaments to symbolize their respective district.

The House Christmas tree will be on display from December 1 through January 2 for thousands of Texans and Capitol visitors to enjoy throughout the holiday season.