Sound off on the state of CISD Facilities!
Take the CISD Facilities Survey
Posted on 11/01/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Take the CISD Facilities Survey

We need your input on the state of our schools and buildings to determine priorities in facilities so we can learn what’s most important to everyone to inform our next steps.

We will be using your thoughts to narrow down a list of priorities for the Board of Trustees and community stakeholders to consider as we determine appropriate paths forward. As we delve into the process of assessment and improvement, we have identified a range of pressing needs, which include:

  • Roof Replacements
  • HVAC Updates
  • Overcrowding and Near Overcrowding
  • Safety and Security Upgrades
  • Deferred Maintenance Projects
  • College and Career Readiness Programming

We are using ThoughtExchange so everyone has a chance to share their perspectives and understand what’s most important to the group.

Let us know — based on your experience as a parent, student, staff member, community member or alumni — what issues surrounding the state of our buildings is most important to you. Your input is valued and appreciated.

Quick Tips:

  • Enter as many thoughts as you wish into the Exchange. Try to share one distinct idea per thought.
  • Your thoughts will be shared with other participants, but not your identity.
  • You will see and rate thoughts that others have shared. 5 stars = strongly agree, 1 star = strongly disagree.
  • You do not need to rate all thoughts, though it’s recommended to rate at least 30.