Safety & Success

Superintendent Galaviz Dear Canutillo Community,

Today, I want to address an issue that has been of concern to us all - the recent series of student fights that have occurred at Canutillo High School.

First and foremost, I want to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff remain our top priority. The recent incidents of student fights have caused understandable concern and distress, and I want you to know that we are actively addressing this issue with the utmost seriousness and urgency.

To address these behavioral issues, we are taking several steps to ensure a safe and secure learning environment at Canutillo High School. We are pulling additional resources into the campus, including increased police presence and administrative patrolling. This heightened visibility is aimed at both deterring incidents and responding swiftly if they occur.

Furthermore, we are working closely with the El Paso Police Department to address any out-of-school issues that may be contributing to the fights. Our collaboration with law enforcement is comprehensive, and we are committed to pursuing legal actions, including filing criminal charges, against those students who have not only violated our Student Code of Conduct but also the law. This is a crucial step in holding individuals accountable for their actions and sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated in our school community.

I understand that these incidents have raised concerns among parents, and I want to assure you that your concerns are heard, and we are taking decisive actions to address them. We are committed to maintaining safety on our campus, and we have the necessary resources and support in place to achieve this goal. We will not rest until Canutillo High School is once again a place where every student can focus on their education and future.

I want to commend our dedicated teachers and administrators, including Principal Candice Marrufo, for their unwavering commitment to addressing this problem head-on. They have worked tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and to create a positive school environment. Their dedication to our school community is truly commendable.

However, it is essential to recognize that every minute spent dealing with student fights is a minute not spent educating our children to be academically successful. We cannot achieve our educational goals if we are constantly dealing with disruptions. We need the support of our parents to help us curb this behavior. We have resources available through Student Support Services to assist families who may need guidance or assistance in addressing behavioral issues with their children. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need support.

Lastly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the vast majority of Canutillo High School students. These students have demonstrated their commitment to our school by cooperating with school officials and by expressing their desire for the best for our school. It is noteworthy that many of them are embarrassed by the recent incidents and do not want our school to be known for this. Together, we can change the narrative and ensure that Canutillo High School continues to be a place of pride and excellence.

We are united in our commitment to the safety and success of Canutillo High School. Together, we will overcome these challenges and create an environment where every student can thrive academically and personally. Thank you for your continued support, and please know that we are here for you and your children.

Pedro Galaviz
Superintendent of Schools