Advocating for Academics

Superintendent Galaviz Dear Canutillo Community,

I am writing to share a significant and important update regarding our ongoing commitment to provide the best possible education for our students. It is with great pride and responsibility that I inform you that the Canutillo Independent School District has taken a proactive step to advocate for the rights and interests of our students, educators and community. We have made the decision to join in a lawsuit against the Texas Education Commissioner, expressing our strong opposition to the implementation of the A-F Refresh accountability system.

At the heart of this decision is our dedication to delivering a high-quality education that takes into account the diverse needs and aspirations of our students. As educators, administrators, parents and community members, we all understand that our children's growth and achievements need to be measured and that a system of accountability to the community is necessary. However, the state continues to ignore the challenges communities like Canutillo face in meeting the ever-moving student performance standards the TEA continues to implement without consideration to districts like ours.

Our mission has always been to nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also emotionally intelligent, socially aware and equipped with critical life skills. We believe that education is a holistic endeavor that encompasses academic achievements, character development, creativity, and community engagement. The A-F Refresh accountability system, in its current form, places undue burden on schools and districts without taking into account issues like language, mental health, learning loss and inequity in funding.

By joining in this legal action, we are asserting our collective voice to ensure that the assessment of our students' achievements is done fairly and equitably. We firmly believe that a one-size-fits-all approach to accountability falls short of acknowledging the unique challenges and opportunities that our district and community face. As advocates for our students, we must stand up for a system that recognizes their individual growth trajectories and celebrates their diverse accomplishments.

This decision was not made lightly and I thank the Board of Trustees for bravely taking on this fight when other districts simply backed off. Canutillo ISD recognizes the importance of accountability and transparency in education, and we remain committed to upholding these values. However, we believe that accountability should not come at the expense of accuracy and fairness. Our educators work tirelessly day in and day out to provide our students with the tools they need to succeed. It is our responsibility to ensure that their efforts are acknowledged in a meaningful way.

As we move forward with this legal process, we promise to keep the lines of communication open and transparent. We will provide updates on any developments and milestones, and we welcome your questions, thoughts, and concerns. Your support has been instrumental in making Canutillo ISD the remarkable educational institution it is today, and we are confident that our community's collective efforts will continue to drive positive change.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering dedication to the students of Canutillo ISD. Our commitment to their well-being and success remains at the core of everything we do. Together, we can ensure that our voices are heard and that our students receive the quality education they deserve.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Canutillo ISD family.

Pedro Galaviz
Superintendent of Schools