All in the Family
Canutillo ISD fosters career growth & advancement
Posted on 08/16/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Canutillo ISD fosters career growth & advancementSandra Albizures is trading the pots and pans of the Canutillo ISD cafeterias for the lesson plan books and computers in our classrooms as the former child nutrition services employee joins the teaching ranks in the District.

Albizures is one of at least three former CISD hourly employees who this week completed their new teacher orientation to become brand new educators.

“I always saw the capacity to grow with the District,” Albizures said. “Together with the opportunities provided to me and my motivation to grow, there was never a doubt in my mind that I would be able to serve the students of Canutillo as a teacher.”

Albizures is joined by Cynthia Estrada and Christy Villareal as new teachers who previously served as hourly employees in a variety of capacities.

The three said the more time they spent serving their campuses and supporting students the more they envisioned themselves in the classroom, taking a direct role in students’ academic journey.

Albizures began her career at the District as a cafeteria worker at Deanna Davenport Elementary (DDE) and worked her way up to becoming a substitute. Not quite satiated, she continued pushing herself academically and professionally to make it up the ranks. The Canutillo High School alumna has now taken the reins of her own classroom at Jose Damian Elementary as a fifth grade teacher.

Estrada, who is also a Canutillo High School graduate, got her start with the District as an office manager at DDE and is now starting her new career as a third grade teacher at the same campus.

“I feel there is a lot of potential throughout the District and with determination, support and access to opportunities, the sky's the limit on how far you can go.”

Villareal realized her dream to become a teacher when she started at Canutillo ISD as a parent volunteer at her children’s school. She then worked her way up to a substitute teacher then assisting in the Garcia Elementary School science lab and library for a number of years. She then transitioned to an at risk aide at Reyes Elementary School. Villareal is now starting the next phase of her career with the District as a first grade teacher at Canutillo Elementary School.

“It means a lot to me to continue in this role with the District that educated my children and supported my career goals,” Villareal said. “My children’s success was a motivator to me to not lose sight of my dreams and always surge ahead. I am grateful for the support and growth I received at Canutillo ISD from the start and am proud to continue living my dream as part of the Canutillo family.”