Kindness Abounds
Canutillo ISD Campuses Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Week
Posted on 02/17/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Canutillo ISD Campuses Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness WeekStudents across the District spent the week learning that kind gestures go a long way as they celebrated National Random Acts of Kindness week with dress-up days and performing spontaneous, yet thoughtful, acts of kindness towards their peers, teachers and family members.

Annually observed during the second week of February, National Random Acts of Kindness Week is meant to inspire citizens to do good deeds towards others expecting nothing in return. It is centered around instilling kindness as a standard aspect of daily lives and helping shape the attitudes and behaviors of today’s youth for a better, kinder society.

Throughout CISD, students donned fun attire such as wearing ties to signify “kindness ties us together”, dressing as an elderly person for “being kind never gets old,” and wearing words of kindness. Some campuses opted to hand out motivational stickers, played a friendly basketball game and had a friendship dance party.

Students were encouraged to perform random acts of kindness towards a teacher, staff member, classmate or family member throughout the week.

Some students even decked the halls with a kind word or phrase to inspire others to keep their head up.

This week was all about spreading some love and kindness and students in the Best Small District in Texas were here for it.

“It is important that we help produce well-rounded citizens in our schools and that includes not only teaching them academics but also how to be kind and respectful human beings,” said Superintendent Dr. Pedro Galaviz. “We have to set an example and show our kids that it is important to uplift others and that small acts of kindness can mean a lot to others.”