Top Performance Pays Off
47 Canutillo ISD educators amongst the state’s highest performing teachers
Posted on 02/12/2024
This is the image for the news article titled 47 Canutillo ISD educators amongst the state’s highest performing teachersTeachers in the Canutillo Independent School District are cashing in on their top performance in the classroom. The District boasts an impressive achievement with 47 of its teachers being recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program.

Among the group of designated teachers, who will be seeing salary increases as a result, 17 have earned the distinguished status of "recognized," while an additional 17 have reached the esteemed level of "exemplary” and five attained the highest honor, being designated as "master" teachers.

Additionally, eight teachers have advanced to higher levels within the program this year, showcasing a dedication to continuous improvement and professional growth among the certified teaching staff.

“This recognition highlights the commitment and excellence demonstrated by educators within our campus communities,” said Superintendent Dr. Pedro Galaviz. These accomplishments not only reflect the dedication of individual educators but also underscore the collective effort and support within our District to foster a culture of excellence in education.”

The TIA program was created in 2019 as part of Texas education House Bill 3 (HB3) to provide highly competitive salaries for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses. The program aims to recruit, support and retain highly effective teachers in all schools.

Recipients of the allotment are selected based on either performance as measured by student growth outcomes during the 2022- 2023 school year or attainment of National Board Certification.

Selected Canutillo ISD teachers are designated as either “master,” “exemplary” or “recognized” teachers for five years. The District will receive additional funding between $3,000 - $32,000 per year for every designated teacher in the District. Their designation is reflected on teacher certification records and eligible teachers will receive additional compensation for each year of designation that they remain at the District.

Awardees for 2023- 2024 will be notified later this month and will receive official details from TEA regarding designation status and the anticipated allotment in the spring.