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Northwest Early College High School students dominate regional business competition
Posted on 02/02/2024
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Nearly two dozen students from Northwest Early College High School took care of business at the 2024 regional Business Professionals of America competition.

Facing off against more than 300 students from across the region, these talented individuals demonstrated their prowess in various categories. One standout student, Yamilette Contreras, even secured the prestigious title of Regional President, a testament to her leadership abilities and dedication to excellence.

“Our BPA students had a great showing at competition and it is all due to the amount of work and dedication they demonstrated to get ready to compete,” said NWECHS Principal Frank Clark. Our Business teacher Jessica Campbell set high standards for her students and they rose to the challenge. We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to what they do at state.”

The following students claimed the top spot in various categories across the board:

  • 1st in Economic Research Individual Event- Ines Andrade Hernandez
  • 1st in Economic Research Team Event- Jacob Lozano, Eriannah Rodriguez, Jessica Melendez, and Alejandro Flores
  • 1st in Global Marketing Team Event- Brandon Enciso and Sebastian Esparza
  • 1st in Medical Coding Individual Event- Valeria Saucedo
  • 1st in Small Business Management Team Event- Yamilette Contreras & Melina Holguin
  • 1st place in Video Production Team- Adelina Sedivy and Mauley Galvan
  • 1st place in Website Design Team- Emilio Espino, Daniel Franco, Ruben Laines and Isabella Medina-Vogt

  • 2nd place in Extemporaneous Speech- Brandon Enciso
  • 2nd place in Health Research Presentation Individual- Melina Houlguin

  • 3rd place in Entrepreneurship Individual Event- Lisette Hernandez
  • 3rd place in Extemporaneous Speech -Anmari Lopez
  • 3rd place in Financial Analyst Team- Isabella Valdez & Ariande Rodriguez
  • 3rd place in legal office procedures- Sabastian Esparza
  • 3rd place in Prepared Speech- Yamilette Contreras
  • 3rd place in Presentation individual- Fatima Garcia
  • 3rd place in Presentation Team- Fatima Garcia and Miranda Andrade
  • 3rd place in banking and finance- Jessica Melendez
  • 3rd place in Digital Media Production- Eriannah Rodriguez

These remarkable students will go on to compete at the state level. Regional President Yamilette Contreras will represent NWECHS, Canutillo ISD and the El Paso Region at the State and National Level!

Way to go, Griffins!