Message from the Board President
New Year Greetings from the Board President
Posted on 01/06/2023
This is the image for the news article titled New Year Greetings from the Board PresidentDear Canutillo Familia,

The new year is here and with it comes a new set of opportunities for our students and staff. On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I want to welcome back our community to the second half of the school year. I am confident that we will make this year our best one ever!
The Board has many tasks ahead of it this semester in our efforts to continue the positive momentum we’ve recently enjoyed. The challenges are plenty but armed with a deep desire to do what’s best for our kids and our community, I am every bit confident that the members of the board can come together to work effectively and in unison.
Trustees will have a special meeting on Monday to discuss important issues and to give an orientation to our three newly elected members. Armed with the knowledge of the law and the policies of the District, these three new faces will be critical in helping us achieve our mutual goals. I can’t wait to get to work alongside them!
And speaking of new board members, the election of former Trustee Sergio Coronado to the El Paso County Commissioners Court has created a vacancy on our Board. We have decided to seek applications from community members interested in filling the unexpired term on the board. Trustees will review applications and interview candidates before appointing someone to fill the vacancy. I encourage anyone with a deep desire to help the children of Canutillo and improve our community, to consider applying.
The deadline to apply is Jan. 20. If you’re interested, you can find more information and the application here:
Once again, welcome back Canutillo! Let’s have an amazing year!

¡Un abrazo fuerte! 

Patsy Mendoza
Canutillo ISD
Board of Trustees