Environmental Ingenuity
CISD middle schools rank high in environmental art contest
Posted on 05/09/2023
This is the image for the news article titled CISD middle schools rank high in environmental art contestGoing green has never looked so good.

Students at Jose J. Alderete and Canutillo middle schools creatively demonstrated that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure by turning unwanted materials into masterpieces, earning them high ranks in the El Paso-area recycling nonprofit Green Hope Project’s environmental art contest, Trash to Treasure.

This year the organization received 334 submissions from schools and artists throughout the region. AMS took the top spot in the middle school category earning first place for their sculpture “Desert Cotten Tale Rabbit.” Students Ashton Dupri, Cesia Rojas, Judith Favila, Grecia Jara, Amber Long, Lylah Scheller created the rabbit out of recyclable materials such as plastic bottles, soda cans, lids, chip bags and cardboard boxes in an array of colors that symbolize El Paso's rich cultural diversity.

“I am very proud of our students,” said AMS Principal Nidia Avila. “They got the chance to get creative while learning the importance of sustainability and the end result was a beautiful art piece that celebrates our region’s rich and diverse culture.”

CMS earned honorable mention for their sculpture “Mariposa” created out of residual materials around campus such a broken table top, plastic table cloths, pool noodles from a science project, plastic tennis ball containers, foam bowls, cardboard, felt, yarn, posters, handles of a paper shopping bag, paper scraps, hot glue and recycled fabric. The team included students Sabrina Ureno, Aaryanna Ortega, Dakota Fiske, Sienna Whetten and Darleen Castillo.

“Our students did a tremendous job on their sculpture and had a fun time creating it,” said CMS Principal Christopher Judge. “The Monarch butterfly is now an endangered species and this piece of art represents the importance and need for conservation and sustainability. Our students are proud to convey that message in such a creative and artistic way.”