Big Brain Bucks
Reyes Elementary students learn valuable lessons in financial literacy
Posted on 11/30/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Reyes Elementary students learn valuable lessons in financial literacyIf it makes dollars it makes sense was the lesson learned by students at Congressman Silvestre and Carolina Reyes Elementary School after a visit from Junior Achievement of El Paso.

Throughout the day-long string of lessons, students learned sound foundations of financial literacy, valuable life lessons and skills plus opportunities for growth and success.

Third grade students at Reyes also received a visit from El Paso Electric President and CEO Kelly A. Tomblin, who spoke to them about the value of hard work and taught them a lesson on smart business practices and the importance of saving, spending and giving back. Tomblin enjoyed her time with the students by helping them design businesses to build their own city and understand the concept of commerce.

“It was a great opportunity for our kids to receive these valuable lessons by Junior Achievement of El Paso,” said Reyes Elementary Principal Dr. Jessica Melendez-Carrillo. “They got hands-on learning experiences regarding work and career readiness and entrepreneurship that inspired and motivated them to make smart financial choices that impact their futures. We appreciate Ms. Tomblin for coming out to share her success story and showing our kids that hard work pays off.”

Junior Achievement of El Paso is a nonprofit organization that aims to help young people discover what’s possible in their lives by helping them connect what they learn in school with life outside the classroom and providing them the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures and make smart academic and economic choices.

Junior Achievement's proven lessons in financial literacy, work and career readiness, and entrepreneurship are shown to positively impact the lives of young people and align with national and state educational standards. Lessons are delivered to millions of students across the country with the help of education partners and volunteers from the local community.