Back-pack in time
Northwest Early College seniors celebrate senior year with some childhood nostalgia
Posted on 08/15/2023
This is the image for the news article titled Northwest Early College seniors celebrate senior year with some childhood nostalgiaThe Northwest Early College High School Class of 2024 began the new school year back-packing old school style to stir up some childhood nostalgia as they embark on their final year of high school.

The members of the senior class carried on the annual NWECHS tradition by donning backpacks of their favorite childhood characters, much like the ones they started their primary school career with when they were in pre-k or kindergarten.

“The tradition is something that seniors look forward to participating in because it gives us a chance to bid farewell to a chapter of our lives that was 12 years in the making by bringing back a little something that signifies us coming full circle,” said Class of 2024 Vice President Victoria Rodriguez. “It is also fun to see the array of childhood backpacks around campus to lighten the mood of the first week back.”

In addition to the lighthearted tradition of childhood backpacks, the NWECHS seniors are excited to participate in a variety of activities throughout the year to celebrate their final year as Griffins to include the upcoming Senior Sunrise and the Senior Sunset as they near graduation.

Have an incredible year, Class of 2024!