Teacher Paperwork Survey

Every year, Canutillo is required to update the board on teacher paperwork.  Please read the policy below and please complete the question that follows.  The information in yellow are examples that have been added for your clarification. 

Policy DLB Local states, “The Board shall limit redundant requests for information and the number and length of written reports that a classroom teacher is required to prepare.

A classroom teacher may not be required to prepare any written information other than:

 1. Any report concerning the health, safety, or welfare of a student; i.e. CPS outcries, reports for nurses, etc.  

2. A report of a student’s grade on an assignment or examination; i.e. grading papers, etc.

3. A report of a student’s academic progress in a class or course; i.e. progress reports, progress monitoring groups, etc. 

4. A report of a student’s grades at the end of each grade reporting period; i.e. report cards, data disaggregation for intervention groups

5. A report on instructional materials; i.e. program evaluation ,reports from I-station, Achieve 3000, etc.)

6. A unit or weekly lesson plan that outlines, in a brief and general manner, the information to be presented during each period at the secondary level or in each subject or topic at the elementary level; i.e. lesson plans

7. An attendance report; i.e. correcting attendance with edit sheets

8. Any report required for accreditation review; i.e. TEA audit information,

9. Any information required by the District that relates to a complaint, grievance, or actual or potential litigation and that requires the classroom teacher’s involvement; or

10. Any information specifically required by law, rule, or regulation.  i.e. 504’s, SPED/ARD documentation, Response to Intervention, LPAC etc. 

The District may collect essential information, in addition to the information specified above, from a classroom teacher on agreement between the classroom teacher and the District.

1.Please select your campus.
2.Question 1: Do you have additional paperwork you must complete which is NOT included in the policy above?
3.Question 2: How many additional hours have you spent this school year, completing reports that are not listed above?
4.Question 3: Please describe the types of additional reports required at your campus.